Top 3 Patient Resources at QueerDoc

Nov 05, 2023

I try to build my websites, both QueerDoc and QueerCME, to be resources for myself and my patients. If I have counseled more than one patient on something or recommended a resource more than once, I created it on the website. 


There are several resources on the QueerDoc website I use every week with my patients. I want to make sure you know about them to make practicing gender affirming medical care more accessible to you!


My top 3 resources at are:

  1. Self-Injections Page: This page contains written and video instructions for SQ injections, a gender neutral body map of where injections can be placed, and links for ordering injection supplies
  2. Over-the-Counter Acne Treatment: testosterone causes acne for many patients. This amazing infographic helps people create a home care plan based on the type of acne they have. It recommends home care steps and information about what to look for in products. 
  3. Top Surgery Approaches: find great graphic representations of the different approaches available for gender affirming mastectomy. Referring providers can help patients learn more about what's available, so they can go to their surgeon prepared with questions. 


Hope these help you as much as they help me!


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