How to Titrate Doses in Gender Affirming Care
Aug 14, 2023
I f*c*ing love feedback from y’all. It is the difference between allowing questions during a presentation versus after. When questions come during the didactic the content becomes more applicable to the learners needs meeting them where they are at as a co-created experience. When we wait until after the didactic content, we might be sharing information folx already have or education too advanced for their current foundation. So, I am exceptionally grateful to the folx who give me feedback. I have heard the request for more details on how I titrate dosing in gender affirming care. It is kind of hard for me to do more than give the ranges I use for dose titration (available in the quick dosing guide) without clinical scenarios. Since dosing is always individualized to each patient’s care goals, values, and pre-existing health conditions there is no one size fits all pattern I follow. So, I tried to break it down with some case studies in this month’s vodcast with one of my QueerDoc colleagues. Dr. Steph Upton (they/them) joined me this month- you should not miss it. The vodcast is free for all- catch the video version on YouTube. Audio only is available on our website, Spotify, Apple, or Google Podcasts. Dr. Upton has influenced my practice of medicine more than any other human in the world. They are one of the most patient centered physicians in the United States. Dr. Upton taught me to honor patients as humans who are experts in themselves. They taught me to let go of my ego by daily demonstrating surrendering theirs in practice. I am the physician I am because of their influence. I can’t speak highly enough of them- don’t miss this episode.
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