Advocacy Over Content

Mar 16, 2023


You may have noticed that my blog content production is slowing down at QueerCME. I do apologize for that. Unfortunately, we've had over 400 pieces of proposed anti-LGBTQ legislation this legislative session, and we're only about halfway through the session. It's more than we've ever seen in any previous year. We've had over a hundred proposed youth care plans. And with this increase in discriminatory legislation, my time has been taking up pretty significantly with advocacy. I've been working with nonprofit, advocacy organizations, with legislatures directly, and we've been producing a lot of content at QueerDoc trying to get the word out and encouraging people to contact their state legislators. Additionally, the public health emergency is ending May 11th. The DEA has some proposed telemedicine and prescribing changes that would disproportionately affect trans people. So we're also trying to do a fair amount of advocacy around that as well. Add on top of that, all the additional youth I'm seeing in these states with upcoming bans who are trying to get care under a deadline which is obviously not at all how we want to offer care.

I've just been too busy to keep writing blogs. I'm hoping you'll see more blog content from me after legislative session is over in Ma. I am continuing to produce all of the other content, the podcast or vroadcast (if you like the video version of me). The monthly livestream didactic, which the recording is available to any paid members of queer CME. Also doing other speaking engagements for organizations that request them. All the other content is still being made!

Additional happenings here at QueerCME: continuing to teach fourth year students here and other occasional learners. We also have a public health student intern with us right now. Working on publishing our experience with bicalutamide prescribing and outcomes.

I do encourage you to follow our blog at QueerDoc. We just did a whole series of all the possible surgical options available for transgender diverse patients in the US. And we're about to do all of our patient educational materials in April that we've created and shared with our patients. So really useful information for prescribers and clinicians in addition to patient information which is really what we focus on over there. Also constantly putting out advocacy information on that blog as well!

Also, I wanted to share The Transgender Law Center has launched the Trans Health Legal Fund - a legal defense fund for those criminalized for accessing gender-affirming care.


QueerCME distriputes a monthly newsletter which details our content updates. We also offer free live stream didactic sessions on topics in gender affirming healthcare, so we send out reminders around those as well.

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